This Is Not A Joke. With Toothpaste You Can Do Pedicure At Home

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  • Start with cutting down the Aloe Vera leaf in order to extract gel and then rub it over your feet for ten minutes. Now place your feet in a tub of lukewarm water.
  • Now take an old toothbrush and apply small amount of toothpaste on it and then rub it around your toe nails thoroughly to clean it.
  • Now add 2 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon each of bleach liquid and shampoo in the tub.
  • In the next step add 1 tablespoon each of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide and 2 tablespoon of washing powder to it and mix them all.
  • Place your feet in that mixture for at least 15 minutes and then take out your feet and dry it with a soft towel.

Pedicure is done and you will be able to notice the difference!!

Watch out video here:

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