The Best Eyebrow Growth Serum That Really Worked

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Recipe number 2


Things you need:

  1. A container
  2. a mascara wand
  3. Castor oil
  4. Argon oil
  5. Vitamin E oil/ capsule

Directions: mix these ingredients well (in 1:1 ratio) and massage it using your fingers every evening before going to bed. This old remedy is beneficial for fuller eyebrows and contributes in strong and black eyebrow hair.

Recipe number 3

Things you need:

  1. A small container
  2. A mascara wand
  3. A tablespoon of castor oil,
  4. Rosemary oil ( few drops)

Directions: mix a tablespoon of castor oil and few drops of rosemary oil in a container and keep it in the fridge for few hours. Use this mixture thrice in a week. Apply this mixture on your eyebrows and eyelashes twice a day (i.e.  morning and before going to bed at night). This remedy will be helpful in the nourishment of the hair follicles and prevents the thinning of hair strands.

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