Step 4: In this step add 1 tbsp of honey.
Step 5: Then finally add 4-5 tbsp of milk and mix all the ingredients.
How to use:
Apply this skin scrub pack on your face and gently Scrub your skin in circular motion for around 3-5 minutes and then rinse it off. Pat dries your skin and you’ll see instant results.
Benefits of the ingredients used:
Gram flour: It acts as a skin lightening agent which reduces skin tan. Therefore it provides an instant fairness.
Turmeric powder: It acts as an antiseptic that prevents skin from allergies.
Milk: it acts as a cleanser. It helps in shrinking pores and also improves complexion.
Saffron: It lightens the skin tone and makes it glow.
Honey: Honey acts as an antibacterial agent and prevents your skin from acne. It also adds the moisture to the skin while keeping it youthful.