5 Daily Habits That Can Boost Your Metabolism To Burn Fat

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3. Increase Your Omega-3 Intake

Omega-3 fatty acids are very effective in increasing the metabolism rate. Omega-3 fatty acid is found in fish oil.  Consuming Omega-3 activates the fat burning enzymes and also lowers the stored fat level. It could help you to burn up to 400 calories a day.

4. Eat Organic When You Can

Organic foods might cost high but it is very much beneficial in speeding up your metabolism rate. Inorganic food consists of several antibiotics and growth hormones that reduce the metabolism rate.

5. Exercise to Gain Muscle Weight


Regular exercise has wide range of health benefits. Growing muscle needs more energy as it is denser than fat. Our body burns for every pound of muscle in order to maintain the BMR. So, building muscle through exercise will boost up your metabolism.


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