3. Spinach for Folate:
Spinach contains folic acid which is helpful in preventing premature birth of the baby and also deals with birth defects/abnormalities. Spinach provides sufficient amount of iron to mother’s body and supports proper development of the baby.
4. Eggs for Choline:
Eggs fulfill the need of calories in women body. Eggs are the package of 12 vitamins which includes choline and omega -3 acids which is beneficial for the overall growth and brain development of the child. A pregnant woman should eat 2 eggs per day but if she is dealing with high cholesterol then one should avoid egg yolk.
5. Sweet potatoes for Beta-carotene:
Sweet potatoes are healthy for women during pregnancy because they have high nutritive value and are rich in fibers which can meet most of the dietary needs of your body. Sweet potato contains vitamin A and vitamin C which fulfills the need of iron for the baby.