7) If you’re a fan of shampoo bars instead, try this avocado shampoo bar recipe.
Avocado locks in moisture and fatty acids give hair shine and silky texture. Avocado oil provides enough nutrients to the hair scalp which promotes hair growth and nourish follicles as weak follicles as the main reason behind the hair loss and thinning of the hair. This remedy has lots of benefits for hair.
9) Wash your hair with an egg.
Washing your hair with egg initiates the hair growth and nourishes the scalp and treats irritating and itchy scalp. It will be more beneficial for if you use it with other ingredients. For instance combine it with avocado for better results.
10) Sour cream or plain yogurt if you want to make your hair shinier.
Sour cream or plain yoghurt treats dandruff making the hair way silkier and thick. There is presence of lactic acid in sour cream which cleanses hair where as fat moisturizes the scalp which promotes hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.