We always tend to spend a lot in the system of cleaning supplies, which is not that necessary. Easier, better and cheaper cleaning hacks do exist which we can definitely use in order to lower the cost of the cleaning supplies we use. Scroll down further in order to know about the 10 hacks for the cleaning of supplies that will cost only a few pennies.
- Cheap Duster
Using an old sock is a wonderful idea of recycling and reusing things in a better way. In this way, you can save money on you dusting part and can also reuse the old sock into a clean duster. What you need to do is just turn the sock in an inside-out way so that it can collect the maximum of the dirt and thus, your duster is ready.
- Aluminium Foil Dryer Balls
Use aluminum foil of about 2 feet and then ball it around which can be used instead of dryer sheets. Even if you are lacking dryer sheets, you can opt for using them. They will help in keeping the static cling away from your clothes and will also not leave any sort of odor or smell.
- Picking Up Pet Hair
A vacuum does not always clear all the pet hair which usually remains on the carpet. It can also be done by scraping a squeegee across the carpet which will help in removing the extra pet hair and other such things which may make the carpet messy.
- Freshen up a cutting board
By applying the mixture of lemon juice and salt, you can clean all the dirt on your cutting board. This mixture will surely remove all the odors out of it and will leave no marks too.
- Freshen up your garbage disposal
Whenever you dispose something really very stinky into your garbage, it can really stink very bad throughout the times. So, in order to stop this, you can use citrus rinds at the disposal which will further help in the elimination of that bad odor.
For windows, Use Newspapers
In order to remove dirt and streaks of window and glasse
s, newspapers can be used. In this way, you can save money instead of buying any sort of paper towels to wipe them.
- Cleaning your showerhead
Inside your washroom, sometimes there are mineral deposits on the head of your shower. You can remove these deposits by tying a sandwich bag full of vinegar and let it stay for about 30 to 35 minutes and after that, you will see visible and clear results.
- Getting rid of Mouldy Grout
You can clean the molds from the tile area by applying the mixture of baking soda and bleach which will remove the molds very quickly and easily.
- Perfect Bodily Waste Cleaner
You are likely to understand the situation more if you have a pet or a baby, at some point or the other you might have dealt with an accident on the carpet. In order to get free from this, you can apply baking soda and water in order to fully get rid of the door.
- A Perfect Gleaming white toilet bowl
Two or three Alka-seltzer tablets are to be placed in the bowl and let it stay for about 15 to 20 minutes. After this, apply some vinegar and take a toilet brush and you can scrub this mixture all over the bowl. After doing this treatment, you will see wonderful results. It will look like a new toilet bowl.